Canadian High Arctic Research Station – President

This federal agency operates the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. This strong research presence in Canada’s Arctic serves Canada and the world, and advances Canada’s knowledge of the Arctic in order to improve economic opportunities, environmental stewardship, and the quality of life for Northerners and all Canadians…

Calgary Economic Development – Board of Directors

Calgary Economic Development (CED) collaborates to advance opportunities in achieving economic success, embracing shared prosperity and building a strong community for Calgary. As stewards of the City’s community-created economic strategy, Calgary in the New Economy, Calgary Economic Development is helping position Calgary as the city of choice for the world’s best entrepreneurs…

Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF) – Board of Directors

Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary.  It was created in 2018 to support the community-built economic strategy, Calgary in the New Economy. Created from the City of Calgary’s existing reserve, this fund is a powerful financial tool to position Calgary for sustained economic diversification…

Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) – Board of Directors

As RPRA is committed to best practices in governance, an important prerequisite to strong governance is having a board that comprises individual directors who, collectively, have the full range of skills, expertise, and experience necessary to oversee leadership and otherwise fulfil its regulatory duties and responsibilities….

Government of Canada | Canadian Tourism Commission – President & CEO

As the national tourism marketing organization, Destination Canada (DC) is responsible for marketing Canada as a premier four‑season tourism destination where travellers can enjoy extraordinary experiences.  The President and CEO of DC is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization, managing its day-to-day operations…

Canada’s National Museums – GIC Trustee

Six national museums contribute to the preservation and promotion of our country’s heritage, while educating Canadians and inspiring innovation and creativity. The National Capital Region is home to four of Canada’s national museums, namely the National Museum of Science and Technology (Ingenium), the National Gallery of Canada…

Government of Alberta – Appeals Commissioners (Part-Time)

Commissioners complete extensive file preparation, participate in hearings, and review, weigh and address evidence and submissions within a framework of legislation and policy. Commissioners also assist in the review and approval of the written decision on appeal…

Government of Alberta – Appeals Commissioners (Full Time)

The Appeals Commission conducts over 600 hearings per year both virtually and in-person from its offices in Edmonton and Calgary. As a Hearing Chair, you will chair three-person panels to hear and…

The City of Edmonton | Edmonton Police Commission – Commission Member

The Edmonton Police Commission (the Commission) is an independent governance board dedicated to making Edmonton a safe and a vibrant city today and in the future. While it maintains distance from day-to-day policing operations, the Commission oversees strategic policing directions and upholds professional and ethical standards within Edmonton…

City of Calgary – Board Members (112 positions for 20 Boards, Commissions and Committees)

Boards, commissions, and committees (BCCs) of The City of Calgary strengthen our community. They provide chances to take part in our city’s future direction. The City of Calgary supports diverse representation on BCCs…..