Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada – Member of Governing Council (Multiple positions)

NSERC is a federal research funding agency that aims to make Canada into a country of discoverers and innovators for the benefit of all Canadians. NSERC invests over $1.2 billion each year in natural sciences and engineering research, and research talent development in Canada. Its investments deliver discoveries, and enable partnerships and collaborations…
Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments

The Senate is the Upper House in Canada’s parliamentary democracy. It unites a diverse group of accomplished Canadians in service of their country. Created to counterbalance representation by population in the House of Commons…
Calgary Economic Development – Board of Directors

Calgary is the place where bright minds and big ideas come together with an unmatched spirit to help solve global challenges. CED’s Board is the place where business and community leaders collaborate to ensure this vision is realized….
Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund – Board of Directors

OCIF finds the opportunities with the highest potential impact on the resilience and diversity of Calgary’s economic future. It fuels the investments in these with catalytic funding that helps secure further external funding and resources to ensure their success and impact. Finally, OCIF fosters their impact and accelerates…
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation – Board of Directors

Using their diverse areas of expertise, the Board of Directors ensures that AFSC remains true to its mandate, and that the Alberta agricultural industry is well supported by the services delivered by AFSC. The Board of Directors will…
Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation (CUDGC) – Board of Directors

CUDGC is a provincial corporation established under the Alberta Credit Union Act, with the mandate of providing risk-based regulatory oversight, and a deposit guarantee to enable a safe and sound credit union system in Alberta…
City of Edmonton | Civic Board – Board of Directors (38 Positions for 13 Boards)

Annually, City Council appoints members to serve on a number of City of Edmonton civic boards. Civic boards provide important input into City Council’s decision-making and help shape the present and future direction of Edmonton….
Canadian Museum for Human Rights – Chairperson

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights was established as a federal Crown corporation on March 13, 2008. As the first museum solely dedicated to the evolution, celebration and future of human rights, its mandate as described in section 15.2 of Museums Act is to explore the subject of human rights, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada…
Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation – Hearing Chair (Multiple positions)

Hearing Chair appointments are made by Order in Council for an initial term of one year, with re-appointment for terms of up to three years, to a maximum of 12 years of service. Hearing Chairs are designated as either representative of the interests of workers or employers…
Government of Canada | Telefilm Canada – Chairperson

Members of the Board are responsible for supervising the management of the business and its affairs to ensure its mission is carried out effectively and efficiently. The Board may determine ways to improve its performance and, if applicable, review the agreements signed with the Department of Canadian Heritage…