IWK Health – Board of Directors (Multiple positions)
IWK Health seeks and values diversity among our Board of Directors and reflects the communities we serve. In identifying, evaluating and recommending director nominee candidates, the Committee will consider the first voices and lived experiences of qualified candidates…
Pulse Seismic Inc. – Board of Directors
Pulse is a market leader in the acquisition, marketing and licensing of 2D and 3D seismic data for the energy sector. Pulse owns the largest licensable seismic data library in Canada. The library extensively covers the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, where most of Canada‘s oil…
Strathcona County | Edmonton Airports – Board Member
The Edmonton Airports’ Board is a governance board comprised of appointees from the City of Edmonton, the City of Leduc, Leduc County, Parkland County, Strathcona County, Sturgeon County, and the Federal Government. Edmonton Airports Board of Directors currently has a vacancy for a Strathcona County appointed position …
City of Leduc | Edmonton Airports – Board Member
Edmonton Airports’ Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship, strategic direction and oversight of the business and affairs of Edmonton Airports. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Board endeavours to maintain and seek continuous improvement in high standards of Board governance…
City of Edmonton | Edmonton Airports – Board Member
As a member of the Board of Edmonton Regional Airports Authority (“Edmonton Airports”), the Director will contribute positively and effectively to the maintenance of the Board as a strong, active and independent Board that operates ethically and according to the Board Mandate, the Director’s Confirmation…
Elexicon Corporation – Boards of Directors (Multiple Positions)
Elexicon Corporation is the parent company of Elexicon Energy Inc. a regulated local distribution company (LDC) and Elexicon Group Inc. a non-regulated subsidiary.
Elexicon’s companies are committed to supporting economic growth and enhancing the quality of life in communities by providing essential electricity distribution and energy-related services – safely, reliably, cost-effectively…
Red Deer Symphony Orchestra Association – Board Director
The Board of Directors is the legal authority for the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra Association (RDSO). As a member of the Board, a Director acts in the position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance and management of the affairs of the Association…
Calgary Convention Centre Authority – Board of Directors
As volunteers, Board Directors commit approximately 6 hours per month to Board-related activities including preparation for and participation in Board and Committee meetings as well as participation in community events. Board Directors identify and develop relationships, build…
Civida – Board of Directors
Civida has a long history of promoting affordable housing options and solutions. They began as the Edmonton Housing Authority in1970, and in 1995 became Capital Region Housing. Today, the organization is known as Civida — the largest provider of social and near-market housing in the Edmonton region…
Elexicon Energy Corp. – Independent Director
Elexicon Corporation is seeking an Ontario-based individual to serve on the Board of Directors. The energy industry is undergoing rapid and exciting transformation as it seeks to meet and exceed the expectations of customers and stakeholders. Elexicon Corporation’s Board provides high-level strategic…