Category: latest news

The business case for diversity has been established for some time. Companies with more diverse boards have shown that they tend to perform better financially. What’s more, organizations that are more diverse as a whole with respect to gender—from top executives and board members...
Directors reported an average of 200 hours per year on board work, a sharp drop from last year’s average of 278 hours. However year-over-year comparisons of this statistic are problematic due to significantly different sample sizes that likely influenced the averages. The 2023 number was based on a follow-up survey of 95...
In recent years, AI has rapidly transformed the business world, revolutionising everything from customer service to product development. Now, AI is making its way into the highest levels of corporate decision-making: the boardroom. As organisations globally grapple with the implications of AI ...
Almost 40% of all new board chairs in 2023 were women; 38% of all CSSBI 100 directorships were held by women, almost 30% more than in 2019; Gender-balanced boards increasing — 12% of boards were at least fully gender balanced; women were in the majority on five,...