Category: latest news

The ‘S’ is just much harder generally because it is harder to define and measure,” said Michael Posner, who runs the Center for Business and Human Rights at N.Y.U.’s Stern School of Business. “So everyone makes it up as they go along.....
Almost half (48%) of respondents say their company does not disclose the racial composition of the board and almost a fifth (18 percent) don’t disclose its gender composition. Almost nine in 10 respondents (86%) say board diversity helps create better board performance. More than three quarters (77%) of respondents say they believe board diversity helps lead to better corporate performance....
Asking “dumb questions” was never really something that I was afraid of. . . . If you start with yourself and are able to reach across the table to ask questions about somebody’s comment, you start building that group dynamic that becomes very valuable, and you will see the pile-on effect. One thing that is amazing is the caliber of people that you see around the boardroom table. It can become intimidating...
While a corporation’s sustainability or corporate social responsibility departments were often largely responsible for choosing which reporting framework(s) to employ, today the decision is more consequential and merits CEO and board attention for 3 reasons...
The gender segregation of careers within Alberta’s energy industry, along with the overall underrepresentation of women, contribute to an exaggerated disparity in leadership. Although women are generally underrepresented at all levels of the energy industry, representation also diminishes with...
Board meetings are not just about efficiency, and an efficient meeting is not always an effective one. More than half of directors (61%) say the shift had a negative impact on board culture while only 2% saw a positive impact. Directors were also much more likely to see a negative impact on director engagement and on meeting effectiveness...